Important Shipping Info: Please Review
- This item can't be shipped to a PO Box. We do not recommend shipping to temporary addresses (Horse Shows)
- This product will be shipped directly from the manufacturer using a shipping company.
- The freight company will call you to schedule a delivery appointment. Please provide an up-to-date phone number.
- If the shipper is unable to contact you within 7 business days of the product shipping out, your order will be cancelled.
- You may be liable for any storage fees due to missed delivery appointments or requests for dates beyond the standard delivery window.
- When your shipment arrives, you will be responsible for inspecting the shipment to make sure it's complete and that no items are damaged.
- Before accepting the shipment and signing for it, you must record missing items and damaged items on the receipt, and take pictures of any damage.
- Tacktrunks and the manufacturer Phoenix West will not be able to assist you in filing a claim if you haven't noted any damage.
Are there rush options available?
We currently do not have rush options available for Phoenix West products
What is piping?
Piping shown in white
Piping is applied by hand to the outside of borders, monograms and text. This is a great option to add contrast and make your design stand out.